The quarterback needs to place great emphasis on depth while rolling out, especially to the side opposite of his throwing arm. Depth will help the quarterback to achieve proper shoulder rotation, left shoulder facing down field (right handed QB) or right shoulder facing down field (left handed QB). Pull the opposite shoulder out of the way while throwing so you get the proper throwing rotation and release the football out in front. Quarterback's need to OVER emphasize the follow through after throwing, and continue to run AT the target. This will make the throw much, much more accurate and pretty.
Note: If a defensive end or linebacker shoots downfield in a contain position, try to set up and throw rather than try and get around him. Eyes should be down field recognizing where the defensive backs are in relation to receiver routes.
Focus On:
- Proper depth, always looking down field.
- Opposite shoulder facing UP field.
- Pull the opposite shoulder out of the way while throwing, so you get the proper throwing rotation, releasing the football out in front.
- Emphasis on follow through.
- Continue to run AT target for accuracy.
- Run FULL SPEED, slowing down will cause your body to be out in front of your arm.